e-commerce / Graphic Design / Logo Design / Promotionals / Social Media

La Tiendita Nica

La Tiendita Nica is located in San Leandro, California.

Created in 2015 by a Nicaraguan family based in California, La Tiendita Nica offers a great variety of Nicaraguan products, from the cuajadas (made by hand) to the rosquillas and the famous pinolillo.

The products that they make at home are made by hand, with all the love, dedication, quality and hygiene like the true Nicaraguan cuisine. They offer you a piece of Nicaragua right at your door.

Services provided:

Graphic design, logo design, promotionals, social media and e-commerce web design.

Technologies used:

When designing and developing websites we use the most up to date technology that helps transform your brand into a visual story and turn your website into an effective way to engage with your customers and a high-performing marketing tool for your business.